About the course

This course is a 100% hands-on course. It consists of close to 100 hands-on labs with great explanations and a lab guide for easy self-practicing. It covers most of the AWS services within the Cloud Practitioner and AWS Associate  Certification exams. A great way to learn by doing. Ideally, this will be for those who want to learn AWS by doing or those who have theoretical knowledge about AWS but would like to take it to the next step by building solutions using AWS console and Command Line Interface.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course - Introduction

    2. The Course Video Player

    3. Resource Download - Lab Guide

    1. Creating an AWS Account

    2. AWS Free Tier

    3. AWS Identity and Access Management Console Walkthrough

    4. Security Your AWS Account

    5. Root User - Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

    6. Creating a Cost Budget For Your Account To Avoid Unwanted Charges

    7. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Console Walkthrough

    8. VPC Components Lab (IGW, VGW and more)

    9. Creating and Connecting to a Linux Instance using SSH - Using Mac Laptop

    10. Connecting to a Linux Instance using SSH Using Putty - Using a Windows Laptop

    11. Creating and Understanding Security Groups

    12. Network Access Control Lists (Network ACLs)

    13. AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

    14. Creating a Simple Storage Service (S3) Bucket

    15. AWS Command Line Interface (Cli) Installation

    16. IAM Policies Console Walkthrough

    17. IAM Roles

    18. Amazon CloudTrail

    1. NAT Instance and NAT Gateway

    2. Bastion Host

    3. VPC Peering and Transit Gateway

    4. VPC Endpoints

    5. IPv6 Egress-Only Internet Gateway

    6. VPC Flowlogs

    7. Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

    1. EC2 Metadata and User Data

    2. EC2 Instance Launch Types Walkthrough

    3. EC2 Launch Types - Spot Instance, Spot Block, and Spot Fleet

    4. EC2 Instance Placement Groups

    5. EC2 Monitoring

    6. Elastic Block Store (EBS) Console Walkthrough

    7. EBS Snapshots - Copying, Sharing, and Encryption

    8. EC2 AMI - Copying and Sharing

    1. Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Target Groups

    2. ALB and Security Groups

    3. ALB - Session Stickiness, Access Logs, and SSL Configuration

    4. Client IP address

    5. Manual EC2 Scaling

    6. AS Launch Templates & Scaling Policies

    7. ALB Path Routing

    8. Network Load Balancer - Static IP Addresses

    9. Auto Scaling Walkthrough

    10. EC2 Auto Scaling - Launch Templates and Scaling Policies

    1. Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

    2. RDS Snapshots and Backup

    3. RDS Read Replicas, Snapshot Operations, and Security

    4. Amazon Aurora Database

    5. Amazon DynamoDB


About this course

  • 92 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content
  • Intermediate
  • 85+ Hands-On Labs

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