Course curriculum

    1. A Message From The Instructor

    2. Course Introduction

    3. RHCE Outline

    4. Course Playbooks (ZIP File)

    5. Important Hands-On Labs URLs

    6. AWS Environment Setup - User Data Scripts for Managed and Control Nodes

    7. Ansible Environment Setup on AWS

    1. Ansible Introduction

    2. Environment Setup 1 - Creating Control Node and NAT Network

    3. Environment Setup 2 - Installing Rocky Linux

    4. Environment Setup 3 - Terminal Font and Updating Kernel

    5. Environment Setup 4 : Vbox Additions

    6. Environment Setup 5 : Cloning and Finalizing Network Configuration

    7. Installing Ansible

    8. Hands-On Lab - Installing Ansible

    1. Ansible Inventory

    2. Hands-On Lab - Inventory Creation

    3. Hands-On Lab - Hosts and Groups Syntax

    4. Ansible Configuration

    5. Hands-On Lab - .cfg File Precedence

    6. Hands-On Lab - .cfg File and SSH

    7. Hands-On Lab - .cfg File - Privilege Escalation

    8. Hands-On Lab - Full configuration Example

    9. Ansible Modules and Ad-hoc commands

    10. Hands-On Lab - Ansible Ad-hoc structure

    11. Hands-On Lab - Command, Shell and Raw Modules

    12. Hands-On Lab - Command and Shell Modules - Limitations

    13. Hands-On Lab - Ansible-doc and Listing Modules

    14. Hands-On Lab - Ansible Modules - Example 1

    15. Hands-On Lab - Ansible Modules - Example 2

    16. Ansible Playbooks

    17. Hands-On Lab - Vim Configuration

    18. Hands-On Lab - Playbooks

    19. Hands-On Lab - Single Play Playbook and Multiple plays Playbook

    20. Lab 1 - Ansible Essentials

    21. Lab 1 Answer - Ansible Essentials

    1. Ansible Variables

    2. Hands-On Lab - Variables definition

    3. Hands-On Lab - Array Variables

    4. Hands-On Lab - Global, Play and Host Variables

    5. Hands-On Lab - Variables Registers

    6. Ansible Facts

    7. Hands-On Lab - Ansible facts

    8. Hands-On Lab - Disabling Ansible Facts

    9. Hands-On Lab - Custom Facts

    10. Hands-On Lab - Magic Variables

    11. Ansible Vaults

    12. Hands-On Lab - Setting Passwords Through Ansible

    13. Hands-On Lab - Ansible Vaults

    14. Lab 2 - Ansible Facts, Variables, and Secrets

    15. Lab 2 Answer - Ansible Facts, Variables, and Secrets

    1. The File Module

    2. Hands-On Lab - File Module

    3. Hands-On Lab - Copy Module

    4. Hands-On Lab - Fetch Module

    5. Hands-On Lab - Synchronize

    6. Hands-On Lab - Lineinfile and Blockinfile

    7. Jinja2 Templates

    8. Hands-On Lab - Jinja2 basic template

    9. Jinja2 Templates Variables

    10. Jinja2 Conditional Statements

    11. Jinja2 Loops

    12. Lab 3 - Files Management

    13. Lab 3 Answer - Files Management

    1. Loops and Conditions

    2. Hands-On Lab - Simple Loop

    3. Hands-On Lab - Using Loops With Array Variables

    4. Hands-On Lab - Using Registers With Loops

    5. Hands-On Lab - Loops-supported Modules

    6. Hands-On Lab - Simple Conditions

    7. Hands-On Lab - Using AND / OR with Conditions

    8. Hands-On Lab - Using Loops with Conditions

    9. Handlers and Error Handling

    10. Hands-On Lab - Handlers

    11. Hands-On Lab - Ignoring Errors

    12. Hands-On Lab - Forcing Handlers

    13. Hands-On Lab - Blocks

    14. Lab 4 - Task Control

    15. Lab 4 Answer - Task Control

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 111 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content
  • 60+ Hands-On Labs
  • AWS automation Hands-On Labs
  • Certificate of Completion

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