Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructor & Getting Organized

    2. Course Resources

    1. Introduction to IaC and Terraform

    2. Terraform Overview

    3. Terraform and Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) Code Installation

    4. Demo : Installing Terraform on Windows

    5. Demo : Installing Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) Code Editor

    6. Terraform Components

    1. Terraform Configuration Files

    2. Terraform Providers

    3. AWS Provider Authentication - AWS CLI Installation & Creating a CLI Programmatic Access Profile

    4. AWS Provider Authentication - Default Profile and Supplying Access Key Data In the Provider Block

    5. AWS Provider Authentication - AWS CLI non-default Profile, Environment Variables, and Shared Credentials File Path in the Provider Block

    6. Terraform Workflow - Init Phase & terraform validate command

    7. Demo : Terraform Init phase and terraform validate command

    8. Terraform Workflow - Plan phase

    9. Terraform Workflow - Apply Phase

    10. Terraform Workflow - Destroy Phase

    11. Terraform Resources & Resource Attribute Cross-references

    12. Demo : Terraform Resources & Resource Attribute Cross-references

    13. Demo : Terraform Implicit Resource Dependencies

    14. Demo : Terraform Explicit Resource Dependencies

    15. Terraform Graph

    16. Terraform Output Block - Declaring an Output Value

    17. Hands-On Lab : Terraform Output and Sensitive meta argument

    18. Hands-On Lab : Terraform Output and depends_on meta argument

    19. Lifecycle meta-arguments

    20. Hands-On Lab : Lifecycle meta-arguments

    21. Comments in Terraform and Useful documentation links

    1. Terraform State

    2. Hands-On Lab : Terraform State

    3. Terraform Settings Block

    4. Dependency Lock File (.terraform.lock.hcl)

    5. Terraform Data Sources

    6. Hands-On Lab : Terraform Data Sources

    7. Multiple (Same) Provider Configuration Blocks & Terraform Alias

    8. Hands-On Lab : Multiple (Same) Provider Configuration Blocks & Terraform Alias

    9. Terraform Import Blocks - Importing Existing Resources into Terraform

    10. Dealing with Large Infrastructures

    11. Hands-On Lab : Dealing with Large Infrastructures

    12. Replacing Resources in Terraform (Tainting)

    13. Logging (Debugging) in Terraform and terraform fmt command

    1. Terraform Provisioners

    2. Remote-exec Provisioners and File Provisioners

    3. Hands-On Lab : Remote-exec Provisioners

    4. Creation-time and Destroy-time Provisioners

    1. Terraform Variables - Overview

    2. Variable Assingment Approaches

    3. Hands-On Lab : Terraform Variables

    4. Variable Data Types & Variable Name Constraints

    5. Hands-On Lab : Variable Data Types

    6. Variable Count Parameter & String Interpolation

    7. Hands-On Lab : Variable Count and String Interpolation

    8. Hands-On Lab : Count.index

    9. for_each Meta Argument

    10. Hands-On Lab : for_each Meta Argument

    11. Conditionals in Terraform (using conditions in Terraform)

    12. Terraform Dynamic Blocks

    13. Terraform Local Values (Locals or Local Variables)

    14. Hands-on Lab : Terraform Local Values

    15. Splat Expressions in Terraform

About this course

  • 79 lessons
  • 12.5 hours of video content

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